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Chase Snowheim Cs-bk-88x31
Harry Potter Magical Wand


 Chase Snowheim

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Chase Snowheim
Fourth Year
Fourth Year
Chase Snowheim

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Join date : 2012-07-06

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House: Ravenclaw

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PostSubject: Chase Snowheim   Chase Snowheim EmptyFri Jul 06, 2012 2:10 pm

Dear Chase Snowheim, we are pleased to inform you...

Name: Chase Snowheim.
Age/Year: 14/Fourth.
Gender: Male.
Blood: Mudblood.


Chase is of light build, and is fairly tall. He has a light pale skin, and messy dark blond hair. One of this most notorious characteristics is his bright, round green eyes. The more he tries to tidy his hair up, the more messy it gets.

In school days, he uses a warm blue vest he gained from his mother while he still lived in Blagoveshchensk, Russia. A social white shirt under it, a little messy and sometimes dirty from duels. He frequently carries a pouch with books on it. His boots always have some type of dirt in them from exploring the surroundings, and sometimes his black social pants' ends too.

In social occasions, he wears a blue chess jacket with a hood, a simple pair of black jeans, and a purple shirt beneath it. He usually keeps them clean, but sometimes they are a bit...messy. He smells like elderberries, by the way.(He smells good)

Personality: He is calm and patient, and sometimes cocky. He is proud and it's hard to make him admit he's wrong in something. However, Chase is very friendly and easily begins a relationship in the right step.

His love for friendly duels only is surpassed by his love for reading books, of any kind really. He will frequently quote authors, and has a special place in his heart for comedy and fiction books. He also has a thing for exploring, and frequently gets his clothes all dirty because of it.

Chase has both feet on the ground, and despite being capable of heroic actions, upon the face of too much risk he will do his best to make everyone flee, thinking there is no honor in battle, despite his liking for duels. He is not a top student, but knows enough.

History: Chase was born in Blagoveshchensk, son of a entrepeneur with a female wizard, their names Nikolai and Lucy. Despite being born in the small russian village, he had little contact with the outside, spending most of his time in his cozy (And big) house most of the day.

Only when he was four he moved to London, for the reason of enrolling in Hogwarts in a near future. He was then explained the true nature of his mother, and the abilities he posessed. Chase then studied most of the day, excited for the day he would become a wizard. His father died of an illness when he was six, and his mother, caring and loving, raised him in an almost perfect way.

He was calm, balanced and extremely polite, even if sometimes sarcastical. Chase was intelligent and cunning, even if low experienced on social skills, still remarkably good on making friends. As he was enrolled into Hogwarts, the hat chose Ravenclaw for him without hesitation, saying it fitted him like a glove.

Chase made a handful of friends and some rivals in his time at Hogwarts, and was a remarkable student, even if not a Top one. His abilities in duels and potion making were amazing, and he demonstrated outstanding progress on the History of Magic. His carefree but sucessful way is frequently saw as a role-model by younger students.

House: Ravenclaw, not only for this love for reading but because of his taste for exploring, the will to know what's "right there".

...We will expect your owl by no later then July 31...

Other Characters: N/A

How You Found Us: I was invited.

Reffered By: Alice :3
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Alice Taylor
First Year
First Year
Alice Taylor

Posts : 144
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Join date : 2012-07-05

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House: Ravenclaw

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PostSubject: Re: Chase Snowheim   Chase Snowheim EmptyFri Jul 06, 2012 2:16 pm

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